Monday, March 23, 2009

Memory Lane

Before he saw his own picture.

After! Isn't he so cute!! AHhh,
While reading a friends blog, who just returned from Africa on a Hoops of Hope trip, I was filled with joy from my own memory of photos I took last year. Matt had a few posts that were just incredible reads about his recent journey. I love how you can just feel the joy from these kids without even being there. I think sometimes we forget how laundry, crabby kids who want to watch tv instead of going to bed, or you know, American life can just get bogged up. I think Africa is starting to call my name. During service this past Sunday, I was brought to tears for the call to serve in some form of mission work. I think the tears were mainly from fear and trying to hold God off. I know that may sound weird, but there are times when I know God wants me to follow what He wants and I am stomping my feet and holding on to what I want instead of what He wants. I guess I feel like I could move my whole family in a second and leave all this STUFF of life behind to really do Gods work, but then there is the other half who might not embrace these same feelings and it is hard to figure out what God wants from me? I know that if God really wants me to leave all this behind I'm willing to try but He is the one who has to break to my hubby. So I will wait and see what God wants from me. My friend Kelly, embraces the experiences she has had with her African love and really makes life changes for others, which I totally admire.
Anyways, this was just suppose to be a memory walk of some gorgeous pictures I took this past year in Jamaica.

They loved seeing their pictures on my digital camera. So much that they all starting coming over and modeling for me.

I wanted to take a few home with me! This girl kept giving me hugs and her smile almost knocked me down. It brings me tears just thinking about the joy I had from that 45 minutes of photo shoot.

1 comment:

  1. Those are beautiful Paula! Who knows what God has in store for you...maybe your calling is closer to home?
